At first glance our latest creation – an interactive guide to the universe of Thor, embedded after the jump – looks pretty similar to an IRON MAN 2 ‘interactive trailer’ we worked on back in our PPC days. There’s a difference though, one that we think is important. Whereas for IRON MAN we appended content to chapter markers activated along the trailer timeline, for THOR we’ve taken both the trailers apart and reassembled them around what is, at its heart, an interactive experience.
The effect (hopefully) is that we still deliver shape and narrative structure, but that we also have an experience that flows, orientating content and interaction around the key beats of story, with the end user very much in control. This may only be a baby step in the wider quest to understand how people will come to engage with interactive video, but from where we’re standing it feels like progress.
Kudos to Dave, Jasper, Immo, Viktor, Chris, Tokyo and Georgi for playing their creative parts, but most of all Cat, who really puts the ‘pro’ in producer.