Where the “300” franchise is concerned, we’ve got history. Back in 2006 in our previous lives at PPC Interactive we planned and executed a ‘virtual Q&A’ in Second Life, bringing the film-makers together with bloggers the world over via a platform as precarious as it was peculiar.
Suffice to say when Warner Bros. put 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE on our radar we had our best minds straight on it. The result is WAR FACE, a ‘motion poster creator’ inviting fans to customise a piece of campaign artwork in a uniquely personal way.
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Making integrated use of Facegen – face recognition tech we first got to play with on MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – GHOST PROTOCOL – the app uses a passport-style photo to create a 3D model of your face, then composites it into your choice of character art. Or, if you prefer, you can do it the old-fashioned way, and gurn your way to glory, uploading a photo and adding your choice of ‘war cry’ and colour wash.
So far we’ve seen one-in-five of all site visitors going on to share and/or download a poster they’ve created, with over a quarter choosing to watch the trailer while their poster is composited and output in various Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr-optimised formats. That’s from a typical visit duration of five-and-a-half minutes, with the poster processing taking an average of around thirty seconds.
It’s fair to say that the production team behind WAR FACE is quite simply one of the best we’ve ever assembled. Here they are in all their ancient and imperious glory: